Current version: 2.2, 2024/06/02
What ist YADD_MMSI_SHIP-Download?
YaDD.exe is a well-known software for decoding DSC telegrams in nautical communication. With YADD_MMSI_SHIP-Download.exe
you always get the latest ships and coast stations database from the GM4SLV web site, even if you are not registered at aprs.fi.
YADD_MMSI_SHIP-Download.exe is a simple console application. It updates the files YADD_MMSI_SHIP.TXT and YADD_MMSI_COAST.TXT when
necessary and always provides the latest databases for YaDD.exe.
YADD_MMSI_SHIP-Download.exe automatically starts YaDD.exe three seconds after a successful download from the path specified in
"yaddpath.txt", for standard installations:
C:\Program Files (x86)\YaDD\YaDD.exe
This path is also important for detecting the target directory where YADD_MMSI_SHIP.TXT and YADD_MMSI_COAST.TXT must be saved (either a VirtualStore
C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\YaDD\
or the application directory itself - a typical Windows security behaviour).
- Copy YADD_MMSI_SHIP-Download.exe and yaddpath.txt to a folder with write access on your harddisk.
- Open yaddpath.txt and specifify the full path to YaDD.exe. Normally: C:\Program Files (x86)\YaDD\YaDD.exe
- YaDD must have been installed and run at least once in order to provide the corresponding user directory. Download link for YADD: YADD 1.7.1
- YaDD.exe must not run when YADD_MMSI_SHIP-Download.exe is started! YaDD.exe overwrites the files YADD_MMSI_SHIP.TXT and YADD_MMSI_COAST.TXT from its own memory when closed. Thus: Always close YaDD.exe before calling YADD_MMSI_SHIP-Download.exe! Do not run both applications in parallel, otherwise you will not get the latest data!
- Some test users reported they had to run YADD_MMSI_SHIP-Download.exe as an administrator to get access to the VirtualStore directory on Windows. I myself cannot confirm this, I just mention it here as a hint.
Verify the correct download
After the download click on the tab "Coast stations" in YaDD.exe. Next to "Ship names on file"
the same number of ships should be reported as the downloader has found.
Copyright notes, disclaimer
YaDD.exe is a software made by Dirk Claessens. The files YADD_MMSI_SHIP.TXT and YADD_MMSI_COAST.TXT are provided by OM John, GM4SLV. Completeness
and accuracy of the data contained are not within my responsibility.
YADD_MMSI_SHIP-Download.exe was carefully tested on my PC within my capabilities. The exe does not contain trojans, viruses
or nagware. But I do not take any liability that the software is completely bugfree and that it will meet the expectations of the user.
Unfortunately several virus scanners at virustotal.com currently find malware in YADD_MMSI_SHIP-Download.exe. I cannot do anything against that. I only can ensure
that YADD_MMSI_SHIP-Download.exe does not contain any kind of malware.