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Features Installation
First steps
First steps after installation
The instructions here are valid for any version of CSVUserlistBrowser. CSVUserlistBrowser does not come with station lists and schedules. You have to download the lists manually from the web sites of the authors. It is recommended to use the "Downloader" for the most popular schedules. The "Downloader" also handles the automatic download of up to date lists later.
Note: The automatic download of FMSCAN and AMSCAN lists was blocked by the owners of fmscan.org in January 2024 referring to the fact of data theft by bots. CSVUserlistBrowser is considered to be a bot. AMSCAN und FMSCAN lists must be downloaded manually directly from the fmscan.org website!
Downloading schedules
Some of the URLs must be updated whenever a new broadcast season starts.
Note: "ASD" in the Downloader means "Autostart downloads". When such a box is ticked the Downloader automatically begins to look for new station lists when the dialogue is opened.

The current database URLs for season A24 are as follows:
AOKI ¹ ³: http://www1.s2.starcat.ne.jp/ndxc/pc/ad/nxa24.zip
AOKI NDXC csv *: http://ndxc.starfree.jp/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/freqdb/sked.csv
AOKI userlist1 **: http://www1.s2.starcat.ne.jp/ndxc/pc/ad/userlist1.txt
EIBI ²: http://www.eibispace.de/dx/eibi.txt
EIBI CSV ³: http://eibispace.de/dx/sked-a24.csv
EIBI Readme ²: http://www.eibispace.de/dx/README.TXT
HFCC ³: https://new.hfcc.org/data/a24/a24allx2.zip
N&O CSV log ⁴: http://www.numbersoddities.nl/Numbers-database-2024.csv
Classaxe csv ²: https://rxx.classaxe.com/en/rww/signals?types=ALL&show=csv
¹ = Microsoft 32 bit ODBC driver required if the xlsx file import is desired
² = probably never changes
³ = must be changed at the beginning of every new season
⁴ = must be changed every year
* = unclear if permanent link
** = Perseus style, contains truncated station and transmitter names, no transmitter coordinates
Opening a list
Updating the lists
Call the Downloader regularly approximately once a day. The tool reads the database dates of the lists from the web, downloads new versions to your harddisk when available and updates the AOKI, EIBI, HFCC and Classaxe lists you are using automatically.
Last updated: Tuesday, April 23, 2024
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